(347) 224-9988


Hatha yoga refers to a set of physical exercises (asanas) designed to align the muscles and bones and open the many channels of the body, especially the spine, so that energy can flow freely. Hatha yoga is intended to create a balance of strength and flexibility in the body, as well as a balance of effort and surrender in each asana. A powerful tool for self-transformation, Hatha yoga requires that one pay special attention to the breath, which helps calm the fluctuations of the mind. This allows the practitioner to become more present in the unfolding of each moment, resulting in more awareness and relaxation.

Vinayasa yoga links the postures (asanas) practiced in a regular Hatha class into a sequence of movements that flow with the breath.  There is little rest between the postures to create heat in the physical body. Vinyasa yoga relies on focusing the breath with movement to increase focus, strength, balance and flexibility. Vinyasa yoga incorporates binds, longer holds, inversions, and arm balances.

Yoga for recovery is open to anyone healing from the effects of addiction and moving into recovery. It combines two powerful healing modalities - yoga and the 12 step recovery. The effects of our addictions can be summed up in one word, and that word is separation. We detach from ourselves, family, friends, and the world around us. Yoga is the opposite. It is a union of truth, knowledge, and contentment. By interweaving yoga and recovery philosophy we will find strength in our bodies ability to endure moments of being uncomfortable, and find the path that will lead us to our next frontier.

32 Union Square East, Suite 411
New York, NY 10003

(347) 224-9988



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